Minibloq + Mac OS X

Ulises Mendoza, from Spain, has been working on a Wineskin wrapper for Minibloq. Thanks Ulises! Here are the steps to get Minibloq running on Mac OS X (the screenshoots were also taken by Ulises). Please take into account that this is a preliminary work:

1) Download Wineskin.
2) Install Wineskin.
3) Download WineBottler.
4) Install WineBottler.
5) Install the Wine version that comes with WineBottler.
6) Downlad Minibloq (Wineskin wrapper version).
7) Run the wrapper (just like a native app: double click on it -you may see something like a "path error", but, at least in the tests, it wasn't important-):

8) Ports: The wrapper was preconfigured to use the /dev/tty.usbmodem411 port, which belongs to an Arduino Uno installed on the computer used for the tests. This may change from computer to computer, and it may change also depending on the board to be programmed. If you don't know wich port is used for your hardware, a good way to detect it, is by using the Arduino IDE's menu Tools->Serial Port. Once you know that, you can create a symbolic link (you will need to open a terminal for this). For example, in our case, we used:

ln –s /dev/tty.usbmodem411 com1

This will create a link (called "com1") in your personal folder, as shown below:

So now, you will need to copy it to the wrapper (this means inside the wrapper). To do this, you can right click on the wrapper, and select "Show package content":

The link must be copied into Contents/Resources/DosDevices:
Here is a screenshot of Minibloq running:

We hope we can improve and simplify the installation process in the future. There are some known issues, as you can read here (recommended).


  1. hi,
    Can you explain me how to create a symbolic link in terminal mac step by step please? I am not an expert so I don't know how to use the terminal in mac.
    Thanks a lot!

  2. Hi Marco, sadly I can't, since I don't have a Mac. This work was made by a user who helped me with the software more than a year ago. Thanks!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. As mentioned in the document -

    1. Open a Terminal (Applications -> Utilities ->
    2. Type the command "ln –s /dev/tty.usbmodem411 com1" (without the quotes) in the terminal and hit enter.

    The symbolic link should be created in your home directory.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hi! I'm new with Multiplo, but I'm starting my research with it. I tried it with Linux and OSX Lion. With Linux it went ok. I needed to explicitly add the link into the udev file /etc/udev/rules.d/99-robotgroup.rules like this: SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="03eb", ATTRS{idProduct}=="2067", MODE:="0666", SYMLINK+="multiplo-%k". But other than that, it went just fine. On the MAC version (I would prefer in order not to boot my computer all the time), I'm having some difficulties. I got minibloq working fine (followed: but could not get the device mapped. In order to circumvent this I tried this: and this:, but to no avail. I'm not sure why the tty.usbmodem411 is not being created (the device is found but not mapped - it appears as a USB Composite device with Product id: 0x2067 and Vendor id: 0x03eb). Thank you for any help provided. Best regards, Dalton.


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